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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does it cost?
    The price you will pay to us is based on the live weight of the animal and current market costs. Our cattle average 1200 - 1600 pounds and the market has been averaging $1.75 per pound. Based on a 1400 pound calf at $1.75 you will spend $2,450 for the calf. Then there is processing on top, which averages $1/pound of hanging weight. Hanging weight is around 60% of the live weight. For this example that would be 840 pounds. Total cost would be roughly $3,290. Which means that your price per pound is $3.92. For a quarter of a beef, the set fee is $600 plus processing which should run around $280. You will get roughly 200 pounds of meat, so the price per pound jumps to $3.75 per pound. For pork it is similar math, but the hogs will yield less meat. We average around 250 - 260 pounds and the price is $275/head. The processing is the same, but you will end up with around 50% of the weight, which is around 125 pounds of meat, which you will pay roughly the same cost of $1 per pound to the butcher. Which is an additional $125. The total cost would be roughly $300. *** PLEASE NOTE THESE PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND ARE BASED ON CURRENT MARKET PRICES*** Prices updated 4.3.2022
  • How much meat do I get?
    Using the example of a 1400 pound calf, you should get around 800 pounds of beef. For pork, it is around 120 pounds of meat from a 250 pound hog.
  • How much of each cut will I get?
    According to Oklahom State University, of the hang weight, you should have 25% waste, 25% ground beef and stew meat, 25% in steaks and 25% in roasts. Keep in mind that could change based on how you get your beef cut. For example I don't like cubed steaks so I have them ground into my hamburger.
  • How does this compare to buying beef at the grocery store?
    This is a great question! Using the example from how much does it cost, you would have a total investment of roughly $3,290 and would end up with around 800 pounds of meat. That is an average cost of $3.92/pound. Depending on the cost at the grocery store, you would be getting steaks, hamburger, roast, etc. for the same cost as what you would get ground beef.
  • How much freezer space do I need?
    A good rule of thumb is one cubic foot of feezer space for every 35-40 pounds of meat. Again, keeping with the example if you had a 17-21 foot cubic foot freezer you would have room for a full calf.
  • Do I have to purchase a whole beef?
    We would love to offer you a whole beef, but we understand that sometimes thats just to much meat. We offer halves and quarters to help.
  • What cuts do I get with my half or whole beef purchase?
    It is always great to be prepared when talking to the processor. Included is the cut list for beef.
  • What cuts do I get for a half or whole hog purchase?
    Here is the breakdown of the cuts the processor will ask you for regarding your pork.
  • Whats cuts do I get for a quarter
    Here is the breakdown of roughly the cuts you would get from a quarter of a beef.
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